Write to us...

Every member of our family enjoys receiving letters. Obviously the best letters would contain bank cheques and letters from Western Union (it is American "non-profit" organisation) are received enthusiastically :-) We coldly or even icily accept notices about unpaid taxes or outstanding payments. Thank be to God for Internet to be invented just in time to give us opportunity to enthusiastically receive your letters.

Therefore, we invite you to correspond with us and to criticize (or to praise) our activities. Maybe one day we will receive an e-mail with information about our genes on the other side of the world, eg. in Australia... Nowadays everything is possible because of common globalization.

Our e-mail:


Design by: Izabela Kurkiewicz

Translated by: Jaroslaw Kurkiewicz

Last update: 2013-08-11

Copyright (c) 2006 - 2007. All rights reserved.